With Laughter Back in My Heart

With panic in my heart
I hurried through another chapter
Another lesson, another book,
Reading with numb heart and mind.

I strove to get my homework done on time
Too busy to hear life happening all around
Too busy to hear the birds or feel the breeze,
Another busy week ahead, I cannot get behind.

I scrambled through another lesson,
Checking it off my never ending list of to-dos.
I closed my eyes to the lives around,
Stopped my ears to laughter and life's chime.

I marched on, trying to accomplish all my duties
Before the break of dawn.
If I stop all, I will crumble and fall,
I'll cry my eyes dry from the daily grind.

So I pull through another day.
I will survive, I say.
I can get my homework done
If I just try. But alas, I was not fine.

One day someone reminded me of laughter,
And oh, how good it felt.
Laughter? I have time for laughter?
I had tried so hard to do it all, but I had forgotten all.

In the business of life, I had forgotten
To laugh, to smile, to love, and to live.
I had survived, but I did not thrive.
I had forgotten the healing medicine of laughter.

One day I remembered and I laughed
And life was ok and life didn't fall apart
Just because I laughed, but rather life got better.
I felt stronger, I felt alive, life in my soul again.

Why did I ever trade laughter for worry?
Why did I ever trade joy for fear?
Why did I ever trade peace for panic
Or God's love for a lifeless soul?

Its ok to laugh when life is busy.
Its ok to laugh when life is hard.
Its ok to laugh just like its ok to cry.
So keep on laughing and breathing
                                    life through laughter.



  1. Yes, yes, yes!!!! So, often I just plow through the week, just trying to get to the end of the semester, trying to somhow get everything done. When we stop though and enjoy the moment everything is better. :)

    1. Tis' so true, my friend! It is so good to just stop and enjoy life, instead of always trying to get the next thing done!

  2. Hannah,
    I love this! So beautiful and poetically written.
    Keep making time for writing and laughing.

    1. Thanks, Leah! I am glad you enjoyed it! And thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you'll come back! ;)

  3. This is very helpful for me, as well.
    Thank you. you have become a really good writer.


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