Hidden Treasures From the Thrift Stores
I know it can be kind of discouraging for Christians girls, who really desire to dress modestly, to go shopping. Often times it is very hard to find something that is modest. Yet if you look hard enough, you can find the hidden treasures. One of my favorite places to buy clothes is at the thrift stores. That way I can get a good deal and there is also usually more of a variety. Therefore, today my mom, sister, and I went shopping and we're blessed to find two very nice (at least in my opinion), but also modest dresses. This is my dress. I am wearing a white t-shirt with it, because it only has straps. This is Priscilla's dress. So my encouragement to ya'll girls out there trying to dress modestly: DON'T GIVE UP! There is modest clothing out there, it just might take a bit of searching. Also, don't forget to check out the thrift stores. That is where I find almost all of my clothes. People are all the time getting rid of their clothes that are in really...
Yes! So true! :)