Dance: The Litttle Girl's Secret

And it seems that today's word is.......

And so I write.

"Let them Praise his name with dancing..." Psalm 149:3

This is the picture that use to be on the wall of my parents home and it always made me smile. There is nothing to special about it, but it brings back memories, memories of joy and laughter and dance. And now it hangs on my own wall above my bed, so when I wake up I remember to praise his name with dancing.
I don't dance that much any more, but let me tell you a secret. As a little girl, I loved to dance.
I used to dance around and around in our family living room, the music blaring, not a care for how awful my form may have been, not a bit of grace in it. But it was just pure joy. But that was before I was embarrassed to let anyone see me dance.
When I got older, I secretly still loved dance, but I didn't let people see me do it. It was too girly.
 My older brothers used to play worship songs on their guitars in their room. So I would dance outside their room in the hallway when no one was looking and oh the joy that it gave me.
Another time I went out into our woods when no one was around (which is hard to do with 8 siblings) and danced to my hearts content. Just me, the trees, the sky above, and my heavenly father smiling down on me.
But then I got older and my lack of grace ended my dancing for a time. I tried to dance at work (don't laugh me) when no one was watching. It went well until I ran into the wall. I picked myself off the floor and stumbled back to my place behind the counter and pretended that nothing happened. Something had happened though and I ended up with a terribly sprained ankle. Limping my way around for several weeks.
But did the sprained ankle stop me? No! I still can't dance with much grace, but I still dance and I always will dance for as long as my legs can move. I will dance to praise him. I will dance for joy. I will keep on dancing as long as no one's watching.


  1. Ahhh! But you do have grace and dance beautifully!

  2. People might not see you dance, but we all know now! Ha ha!


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