There's a Reason She Lives

She was feeling useless and down one day,
Not sure of her worth or purpose on earth.
Life was looking and feeling pretty grey.

But God saw her in her despair
And opened her eyes wide
He saw fit that her life be spared.

She lives this day because of the breath he provides
That he breathes into her feeble lungs
Its not yet time that she meet death, not time to die.

Life is hers to live in him, until he takes it away
But while she live, he still has a purpose,
A perfect plan for each passing day.

So she face another day with a smile on her face
Knowing God can use a simple smile
That tells of his unfailing grace.

Troubles will come and troubles go,
Confusion still stands.
But Christ is her anchor, this she does know.

The winds may blow
Or the sun hide its face,
But rain is needed to make flowers grow.

And she, too, will grow when it rains
But when the rainbow appears
She remembers that God’s promise remains.


  1. Replies
    1. You're welcome, Maggie!
      Thank you for being such a faithful reader and commenter on my blog. I greatly appreciate it. It encourages me to continue writing (whether people like it or not. Hehe! ).


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