The Mother

Her hands
Wipe away tears,
Clean dirty faces,
Hold tiny fingers,
Knead the bread.
Her arms
Hold tight the crying,
Rock to sleep the infant,
Support a child,
It becomes a bed.
Her breast
Feeds the hungry,
Nourishes her child,
Brings life to the little one,
A pillow for the weary.
Her heart
Loves unconditionally,
Serves willingly,
Prays unceasingly,
Perseveres courageously.
Her days are long
Defending the weak,
Encouraging the faint of heart,
Speaking words of peace,
Calming the stormy seas.
She toils
Night and day.
Blessings seem scarce,
Fights ensue,
Baby's awake all night
And so is mother dear.
Dinner not on time,
Child scrapes his knee,
Peanut butter in hair.
This is a  mother’s life.
But she arises
With each new day
Ready to brave the weather,
Ready to bring sunshine in the rain,
She’s undaunted by yesterday’s failures.
There’s so many blessings
Within each messy day;
Babies cooing,
Little girls giggling,
Laughter ringing,
kisses on the forehead,
Many eyes that watch you,
Smiles that say
“I love you!”
This is the mother’s life;
Its full of pain
From day to day,
But blessings are tucked within.
Smiles or tears,
The mother sees them both
And cares.
The mother smiles too
Or willingly cries with you.


  1. Beautiful tribute to Mothers! Thank you!

    1. You're welcome! Thank you for being my awesome Mother who does all these things and so much more!
      I love you!!!!

  2. This is so beautiful. You're a talented poet! Nice job!

    -Grace (

    1. Thanks, Grace! It is encouraging to know that my poetry is being read and appreciated and enjoyed! ;)


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