But I Choose to Remember

Some people may choose to forget
Because memory causes pain.
But I chose to remember,
Even though I cry like the rain.
I choose to remember that smile of yours
Even though it makes me cry.
I remember your laugh
But it makes me ache inside.
I remember the way you strummed your guitar
And how it made me dance with joy.
But I don’t dance when I remember.
Instead my body shakes with sobs untold.
Why do I choose this road of memory,
When memory is suffering
And forgetfulness is bliss?
I can’t explain a pain worth enduring
Yet I chose to remember and not forget.
Days come and days go by.
People ask how the brother did die
And I tell them the how, but not the why?
I remember. I did not forget.
His story lives on. I choose to share.
I will not forget.
But lest you think it easy
For me to tell his story once more.
Remember, I chose to remember
And not forget.
And memory hurts.


  1. Yes, it is painful and hurts to remember but forgetting would be more painful. I still cry but I love to talk about Micah and I love every memory even the ones that hurt the most.Thank you for remembering with me. I am so thankful for you and the poems and stories from your heart that bring back memories. I cry every time. But don't stop! That is OK. I know that God holds my tears in His bottle. They are in His book and some day He will wipe away all my tears. Thank you Jesus!

    1. Thanks, Mom, for leaving such a sweet and encouraging comment. :)

  2. This past Wednesday Priscilla sang one of Micah's songs for our college and career group. I was moved to tears remembering how precious Micah was. He is no doubt smiling from heaven. God is good.

    1. Hi Ben,
      Thanks for taking the time to read this. That is so cool that Priscilla did one of his songs for the Bible Study group. I wish I could have been there to hear it. I miss hearing his songs being played. I always took so much delight in hearing my brothers worship God with music. It is something that I miss greatly these days. ;)


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