Magic of the Forest

Not in a hurry,
Not too briskly,
She stepped
Ever so lightly,
Almost fairy like,
But still quite humanly,
Into the forest.
Really it was a matter
Of one small step
Out her door
That immediately
Ushered her into
A land of trees,
Crunchy leaves,
Green and brown and grey,
Rocks and stumps
And beds of moss
Beneath her feet.
Trees that sway,
Branches and logs,
Spider webs to fight.
But it’s really the sounds,
Or lack thereof,
That perks her heart to listen.
That is where
The magic begins.
The sounds in the forest,
Are birds and chattering squirrels,
Critters of the earth
Slithering stealthily
Beneath brown leaves.
But another sound is heard
In the deep of the woods
Surrounded by trees
And creatures of the earth.
The sound of peace,
And tranquility,
A note of wonder and awe,
Music for the heart,
Words not spoken,
But still heard.
But the greatest of all
Is the Word spoken
There in His sanctuary,
For He says,
“Be still and know
That I am God.”
And I hear it best
When all is still,
And I am still and
Creation speaks,
Speaks His Word.


  1. Hannah I love this so much! Especially so because I am from the U.P! Very beautiful poem that captures why I love outdoors and the sense of magic, wonder, awe, and adventure I feel! Love it!

    1. Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it! You sound like a kindred spirit, Christina! ;)

  2. And I love the picture. I recognize that place!

  3. Oh my! I love the sign "Golgotha Hill Church!" I didn't read the poem to good but what I read was nice!
    ~A sister who is 11 years old!

    1. I love you, 11 year old sister of mine! I also love your honesty and the fact that you always leave a comment even though you rarely read my whole post. ;)

    2. I love you, 11 year old sister of mine! I also love your honesty and the fact that you always leave a comment even though you rarely read my whole post. ;)

    3. I love you, 11 year old sister of mine! I also love your honesty and the fact that you always leave a comment even though you rarely read my whole post. ;)


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