Always an Adventure

Three years ago this journey began.

Three years ago I didn’t know these people existed or would ever be a part of my life, but now these are some of my greatest friends.

Don’t be afraid to start a new adventure, to begin a new chapter, to turn down a path not yet trodden because you never know the stories that could be told, the people you will meet, the memories that will be made if only you are willing to step out in faith.

Don’t be afraid to love a stranger because that stranger could become your best friend.

Be willing to go where God leads.
Walk by faith and not by sight.
Three years ago I was scared to death to go off to college in the far off land of Minnesota, but now I am ever so thankful that I did.
I still have a journey ahead, there are still friends to make, more people to meet and place to go, adventures to be had and stories to tell. Still more tears and still more laughter, but I am ever so thankful for the people that are there or have been there to help be a part of the story God has written for my life and all for his glory.


  1. is always an adventure. I think I could say a similar thing about this past year. I steped out into an unkown world (Mock Trial) and this year has been simply amazing and I have made some preety amazing friends too in the process. Thanks for sharing Hannah.

  2. Thanks for the reminder! I forget this sometimes! I just don't want to let go of what I have. But hey, we walk by faith, not by sight!

    1. Hi Christina! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! Glad you were encouraged by my post!
      Hannah Grace


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