100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 59, 60)

Well, because I didn't have time to post my 59th yesterday I'll have to do it today!

Day 59: So thankful for Mama Chachi! She isn't my Mama and she isn't my Grandma. In fact, she isn't really related to me, but she is one of the dearest older ladies I have ever known. She is an amazing woman of God and a real prayer warrior. You could possibly liken her to Elisabeth Elliott. I am so blessed to know her.

Day 60: Thankful for my wonderful, awesome, beautiful mother, who loves Jesus and loves her children so much that the only thing she really wanted for her birthday (which was the 29th of October) was that her children would be walking in the Truth. I love you Mommy! Thank you  Mommy, for teaching me that true beauty is a beauty that comes from a heart that loves the Lord. Thank you for being such a godly example to me.
To read encouraging posts from my mom check out her blog here and follow it. http://momforever9.blogspot.com/


  1. Tell your Mom Happy Birthday for me!

  2. Hannah, I totally agree with you about Mama Chachi! She is such a blessing to me as well and so very dear! Thank you so much for your sweet words of encouragement. You are a special treasure and the light of Jesus shines in you. I love you dearly and thank God for a daughter like you.Thanks for all your prayers for me and your family!


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