
Showing posts from November, 2012

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 88)

So thankful for my dear friend, Susanna, whose birthday it is this day! She has been my friend since the day I was born basically.  I have been so blessed by her friendship. She is a truly beautiful woman of God inside and out! She brings so much joy and happiness to all she is around! Happy Birthday, Susanna!

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 87)

So thankful for my dear sister, Bethany, and awesome brother, Jesse, who we celebrate their birthdays today even though they're not twins. ;)  Yes, they are born on the same day, yet 12 years apart! They are such a wonderful blessing to me! I am so thankful that I get to be Jesse's little sister and Bethany's big sister! What a privilege! Happy Birthday, Jesse and Bethany!

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 86)

Thankful for Christmas music that sings about what Christmas is really about!

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 85)

Thankful for shopping trips with my Mom and sister, Priscilla ! So much fun! New memories made! Lovely times!

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 84)

I am thankful for stary nights! The stars some times distract me at night as I drive home from work. I just want to look and look and look and then...

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 83)

Thankful for people who are patient and understanding! ;)

Cakes and Questions!

Dear Friends around the world, How are you doing this fine day? I, for one, am doing very well! ;) I haven't much to tell you, but I am working on a more lengthy post. (whether or not I post it is yet to be seen.) Today I made a Strawberry cake which I am hoping will be very good. It sure did look good! ;)  I have good hopes for the cake as it seemed to turn out very moist and fluffy and that is how I like a cake. Unfortunately, I won't be here when the cake is cut into because I will be at work. I made the cake for my family and the guests that we are having tonight for dinner. Nevertheless, it might be a good thing  that I will not be here because, if for some reason it does not turn out well, then I won't be around for any comments people might make about it. ;) Or if it falls apart while being cut, I won't be around to mourn the destruction of my beautiful formation. Enough said about cake. ;) Questions for you now? What would you like me to write...

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 82)

Thankful for little jigs with Lydia! So much fun! So silly! So much laughter and giggles!

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 81)

Thankful for this beautiful day I've had to serve the Lord and live for Jesus!


I dedicate this whole blog post to Priscilla because she is so stinkin' hilarious! (That is a phrase of endearment, by the way.) It is Thanksgiving night! We have eaten our fill of turkey, stuffing, potatoes, green bean casserole, pies, and more. Priscilla turns on some music, top volume, goes into the kitchen, pulls out a garbage kitchen bag and begins to enthusiastically dance around the kitchen with that bag. I, in the mean time, am calmly sweeping the floor and trying my best to ignore her so that she knows she is not getting the attention that she so dearly wants! Yet, out of the corner of my eyes I spy on her and my eyes twinkle with laughter. I don't know if Priscilla was just being Priscilla, or if it was the results of too much sweets, or if she was feeling guilty about all she ate and decided to do a bit of exercising. Although, honestly, I think she was just being herself and that is just the way she is and I love it! Guess what!? Her middle name is Joy...

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 80)

Happy Thanksgiving, to my Friends around the world! ;) I am thankful for Thanksgiving! A day to celebrate what Christ has done for us!  A day to remember our blessings and name them one by one! But let us not  forget to thank God every day!  Every day should be a day of Thanksgiving, because we are blessed beyond measure! God is so good to His children! What are you doing this glorious Thanksgiving day? Do you have special family traditions? Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving dish that you just have to have every year? What are you thankful for today?

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 79)

Fingers! Fingers to type with! Fingers I use to crochet! Fingers to eat with! Fingers I use to write letters to a friend! Fingers to make little gifts for others! Fingers to serve and be a blessing! Thank you, God, for fingers!

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 78)

So Thankful for God's grace and gift of salvation! I am so thankful that I don't have to depend on good deeds to get me to heaven because my righteousness is as filthy rags. I am nothing but Christ is my everything!

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 77)

Thankful for the blue sky!

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 76)

I am so thankful for washer machines!  It is so much easier to throw your close in a washer machine, then to have to wash them by hand in a tub, especially when there are lots of members in the family. ;)

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 75)

Toes!  I am so thankful for toes! They are so funny!  They make me laugh! They're so unique and cute! Laugh at me if you want! Call me strange! But I love toes! ;)

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 74)

Thankful for refreshing sleep! Therefore...Good night! I am going to go to sleep! ;)

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 73)

So thankful for the godly examples that I have in my life; my mom, my Dad, my friends, my siblings, authors of books, pastors, and so many more.

100 Days of Thanksgiving (day 72)

So thankful for Christ's love for me! ‎"For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! This just makes me so happy! Nothing can separate me from God's great love for me! No president, no suffering, no nothing! Nothing! God loves me! God loves you! So let us live in God's love today! Let us show God's love to others today! Let us shine the light of Jesus where ever we go! Smile! Jesus loves you!

200 and Happy

This post marks my 200th post and it doesn't seem that long ago that I posted about my 100th. Wow! That feels like a lot of posts! So, I think my top most read post is Staying Cool at the Pool While not a Fool . I feel very happy. I am happy in Jesus! If I try to make myself happy with other things, than I don't really find happiness at all, but only grief, annoyance, madness, and great disappointment. True happiness can only come from Christ alone. He is my everything, but I have to continually be reminded of that because I forget so often. Sometimes I think that I must have some material thing in order to be truly happy and satisfied, but, no, that is only Satan deceiving me. It is his big lie to get us distracted with the things of the world rather than being fully devoted to Christ and finding full satisfaction in God alone. Christ is and needs to be my treasure and, oh that I could always have that thought in the forefront of my mind!  I want to s...

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 71)

Thankful for my Systematic Theology class and all the good stuff I learn in it.

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 70)

Waterfalls splashing down over rocks and cliffs! Oh, so beautiful and magnificent!

Summary of 1 Peter

The author of 1 Peter is Jesus’ disciple bearing that name. It was most likely written in between A.D. 62-63. The theme of 1 Peter is rejoicing in our suffering and trials. Peter is writing to a people who are suffering, yet he sees that they have joy. He says that their joy comes from the knowledge that their inheritance is not on this earth, but waiting in heaven for them. It is an inheritance that is incorruptible, undefiled, and unfading, and God is the one who is reserving it for us. Therefore, even though we may suffer for a little while, we have that hope of the prize at the end of the race, thus, we can rejoice in our trials. If we suffer for Christ with joy, then He will strengthen us and give us grace for each day, and we will be glorifying Him. A. What is the author telling me in 1 Peter 1:1-2?             Peter begins his letter stating who he is and who he is writing to. He is writing to the pilgrims who ha...

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 69)

Thankful for a sweet hug from my cute little friend, Ethan!

Bread From Hannah's Kitchen

Recently I wanted to make some healthy bread, but we didn't have any whole wheat flour, so I thought maybe I could make oat bread with ground oats as my flour. My mom found a recipe for me in our cook book called “Jane Brody’s Good Food Book”. The recipe is found on page 572 and is called Richard’s Best Bread. I used that recipe as my guide, but added several things and altered the recipe a bit. I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but it was delicious and my mom wanted me to write out what I did, so we could try it again some time. So here it is. ;).  Hannah’s Everything Bread 2 cups milk, scalded 1/3 cups vegetable oil 1/3 cup honey 2 teaspoon salt ½ cup water 2 tablespoons yeast ½ teaspoon sugar 2 beaten eggs 2 ½ cups oats, ground in blender to a floury consistency (+ ½ cup oats not ground) ½ cup bran flakes crushed lightly ½ cup unprocessed wheat bran ¾-1 cup cornmeal pancake mix (optional, use only if you have some that yo...

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 68)

Thankful for my hard workin' Dad who is trying to fix our washer machine. (but I am afraid it is broken forever.)

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 67)

Thankful for God's protection! He is always lookin' out for His children! Example: The other day my mom and I were in a Walmart parking lot looking for a place to park. A truck to the right of us looked like he was about pull out, but since we were directly behind him, of course, he would wait till we moved, right? Wrong! It turns out he hadn't seen us at all, so he backed up right into our little car and made a big dent in the passenger door. No one was hurt, but I was the one sitting in that passenger seat. ;) It was a rather interesting experience. 

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 66)

Thankful for candles! They smell so sweet and refreshing (at least some of them)! They give light in darkness! They bring cheer to the weary traveler! Their flame flickers across the wall!

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 65)

Thankful for eggnog! Even though I sometimes wish they sold it all year round, I am glad they don't because it wouldn't be such a treat if they did.

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 64)

Thankful for the free cookbook kit that I received today in the mail from Morris Press Cookbooks!  Yay! It made me so Happy! I am so excited!

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 63)

Thankful for the comments that people leave on my blog! It brings me so much joy! God bless each and every one of you! ;) Have a happy day full of sunshine, smiles, and laughter!

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 62)

Thankful for up lifting Biblical fellowship with family and friends!

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 61)

Thankful for the freedom I have to be an influence on my country by voting at this election. Every vote count! "The right to vote...was purchased at great price and should not be squandered for the sake of convenience."

100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 59, 60)

Well, because I didn't have time to post my 59th yesterday I'll have to do it today! Day 59: So thankful for Mama Chachi! She isn't my Mama and she isn't my Grandma. In fact, she isn't really related to me, but she is one of the dearest older ladies I have ever known. She is an amazing woman of God and a real prayer warrior. You could possibly liken her to Elisabeth Elliott. I am so blessed to know her. Day 60: Thankful for my wonderful, awesome, beautiful mother, who loves Jesus and loves her children so much that the only thing she really wanted for her birthday (which was the 29th of October) was that her children would be walking in the Truth. I love you Mommy! Thank you  Mommy, for teaching me that true beauty is a beauty that comes from a heart that loves the Lord. Thank you for being such a godly example to me. To read encouraging posts from my mom check out her blog here and follow it.