meet the author

Hannah Foster is married to a Hebrew professor. She's author small-town Christian romance fiction. She enjoys playing tennis and pickleball. She dabbles in watercolor art. She's a part-time barista and full-time wife. She loves books, scones, chocolate, and coffee. 

*Photography by Elisabeth Painter


  1. Hannah,
    I love how you write! Keep it up! It's a gift.
    You point people to Jesus and help them enjoy "today" with your sharing.I love how you love you because you know who you are in Christ!! I love the art back ground you used on your blog too. It emphasizes what your saying somehow. Your friend, Deanna

    1. Hi Deanna,
      Thank you so much for your sweet comment and for checking out my blog. I am glad you like it!
      God bless!

      Your Friend,

  2. Hey Hannah,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your brother, how did he pass away? Your faith in Jesus is so evident in this post! I'm also left handed (and love it too) and my favourite colour is also blue! Thank you for commenting on my blog.

    1. Hi Jess Leigh,
      My brother died of Leukemia. I have posted a series about him on my blog, so if you would like to read more about it then you can click on "Micah" under my labels. As much as we all miss him, I rejoice in the fact that he is with his Savior and that some day I will see him again.
      Thank you for stopping by my blog!
      Have a happy day full of sunshine, smiles, and laughter!


  3. Hannah,
    I am encoureged every time I look at your blog. Your blog pionts me (and others) to Jesus!
    Your Friend,

  4. Hi Maggie,
    Thanks for leaving a comment! I am glad you are encouraged when you read my blog. I always pray that God would use my posts to bless others and it encourages me when people leave a comment saying they have been blessed by my blog. I am glad that I can point others to Jesus with my posts!

    Your Friend,

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Maggie! I wanted it to be more spring looking. ;)

  6. Don't know where the Five-Acre wood is but I doubt it's near our woods. Sorry about your brother, I have never been through that but should it happen, I would hope to face it with the same attitude you have. Yol Bolsun!


  7. Thank you so much for this site! it is beautiful and encouraging.

    My name is Sarah, I am sixteen years old and I am a writer and I love things like this, especially things that honor God.

    You are a dear sister in Christ, Hannah!!!

    Thank you!


  8. Wow, quite the poet! I've tried that before, but it was kinda sad... and unrecognizable as poetry. :)

    1. Hehe! Thanks! I do enjoy writing poetry, although I don't always think that it comes out well. A lot of my poetry is free style, too, so I don't have to stick to any super strict rules. ;) Writing poetry is definitely not for everyone, but with practice you can always get better even if you don't become a pro. ;)

    2. Oh, and thanks for checking out my blog and leaving a comment. Always makes my day to find a comment here and to find that someone else is visiting my blog. Hope you'll come back!

    3. Yeah, new comments help brighten up the day! I'll be back!

  9. Wow! I see that you have done a blog make-over!

  10. I love your description. It describes you well. A person I love to be with!


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