Complain About My Blessings?

The other day I was thinking about how much I complain, yet how grateful I ought to be. I have been blessed with so much in so many ways. I have a nice house to live in; I can have three meals a day; I have a Christian family; I can read and write and get an education; I live in a country where I can freely worship my Savior; and so much more. Yet there are people in this world who don’t have any of that. They not only do not have that, but they could be suffering persecution or natural disaster or something else. Often I don’t even think about or pray for these people who are suffering so much. I am instead sitting in a comfortable home complaining about all that God has blessed me with. What an ungrateful wretch I am. So whenever I feel like grumbling or complaining, I resolve instead to change it into thanksgiving for all I have and prayer for those who don’t have that which I do. So help me God.


  1. Dear Hannah,
    This was a wonderful post! Thank you for sharing this thought. And thanks for entering my give-away!


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