Who Am I?

Who am I?

I contemplate the question,

But little comes to mind.

A girl with strange ideas,

Kind of wild and crazy too,

A mess of curls and plain complexion,

Short stature, and not the shape

That magazines will publicize or make look great.

To the world, I am not that smart

And seem to be quite useless in their mind,

And so I cry.

Who am I?

If I have no purpose

And if not beautiful on the outside

Then who am I?

And so I cry.


While the world tells me lies

And I sometimes believe everyone,

I must turn to scripture

And see what my creator and maker says,

About who I am.


My creator,

He fashioned me in my mother’s womb,

Made my eyes green,

Gave me a heart of compassion and love,

And hands to serve,

And a smile that brings cheer,

And laughter that ripples through the air.

He created me for a purpose and a plan,

For his glory,

And for his joy.

He delights in me with singing,

Cause I am his.

He bought me with a price.

He create me

And bought me back.

With his very own son’s blood

He paid the price.

He loves me. Truly, he loves me!

Like no other, he loves me.

No love can compare,

Though at times I despair

By putting hope in man,

Yet their opinion is nothing

To Christ and his steadfast love.


When lies come crashing in

And my heart is weary and unsteady,

And I falter and become weak,

And discouraged too.

Because of the lies that insist

On breaking my heart within.

When I feel useless and broken inside,

When I feel ugly looking on the outside,

Because I can’t meet the standards of this world,

Then I must turn my eyes back to Christ,

Back to the scriptures;

Back to the truth.


The world didn’t make me

Nor do I belong in this world.

So their opinion really doesn’t matter

In the end.

I am just a traveler,

My home is not here.

My home is in heaven

Where I will reside with my creator, the father of light.

And it’s what he thinks that really matters,

It’s His voice that really counts.


So when my heart is broken,

When I am feeling lonely inside,

(For example, everyone else has a loved one,

Except I! [But that is a lie too that I sometimes believe.]).

When I hurt because

I think no one cares,

I can look at the cross

Where Calvary lies,

Look at his wounds

In his hands

And his feet,

Look at his side

That was pierced for me,

Look at the ground

Covered with his very own blood,

Look at the crown of thorns on his head

Made for mockery.

And he did it all for me and for you for his glory.

He did it in love.

He did it because he cared.

I am loved by God my creator

And that is all that matters.

He truly cares,

He truly loves.

He loved me when he took the death

That I deserved.

He loved me on Calvary tree.

And so I ask,

Who am I?
I am his!


  1. Love you for this, Hannah. You know the truth, yet you still struggle. You haven't given up, though I know you have to fight. Keep reminding yourself of this.

  2. You are lovely, Hannah! I think most women struggle with the issue of basing their identity in Christ rather than in how they look, in what others think of them, or in what the world dictates. All beauty fades except that on the inside. As we look to Christ, resting in and delighting in Him, others see the inner beauty.

  3. You are lovely, Hannah! I think most women struggle with the issue of basing their identity in Christ rather than in how they look, in what others think of them, or in what the world dictates. All beauty fades except that on the inside. As we look to Christ, resting in and delighting in Him, others see the inner beauty.

  4. Hannah, I totally agree with Lisa! I couldn't say it any better. You are lovely. Keep looking to Jesus. Every woman, young or old , needs this reminder. We are so apt to compare ourselves with others. But God made us all different and unique for His special purposes! You are so right, your worth does not come from what you think people think of you or whether or not you have a boyfriend, or the shape of your body or the features of your face etc.. God made you beautifully on the inside AND the outside. You are a jewel shining brightly for Jesus. You are delightful, an encourager, kind and hospitable. You make people feel loved and accepted. There is no pretense in you. Your smile lights up your face and the glory of God shines through you. I am so thankful for the special and unique way God made you. You are so precious to me and I am so very blessed to have you for my daughter.
    Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised (Proverbs 31:30 ESV)
    But let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.
    (1 Peter 3:4 ESV)


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