For a Dear Friend

Happy birthday to the most amazing Tara Kristen​ in the whole world! Tara, you are an amazing woman of God and I have been truly blessed to watch you grow in your love for him as you reach out and serve others. You also have an awesome sense of humor and are always making me laugh! You encourage me to conquer my fears and do scary things, such as, ride a dirt bike. ;) Or you introduce me to fantastic movies, such as, The Scarlet Pimpernel. I have been so blessed to have known you for the past 10+ years. You have been a wonderful friend. You are also a courageous and loyal friend to put up with me for so long and to endure all of my lame jokes. ;) Thanks for always laughing even when the jokes aren't really that funny. It is always nice to know that someone will laugh. ;)
I love you, Tara, and am excited to see what God has in store for your life!



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