There is Hope!
It wasn’t a terrible storm, but it was note worthy. You see this storm had some powerful wind. Seriously! It made the night almost eerie with the way the wind was wooing and groaning and moaning and whistling. There were also some amazingly bright flashes of lightening and loud crashes of thunder. As I lay in bed listening I began to think about how powerful and amazing God is. At the same time I was also reminded of a poem that I had read in my literature written by Stephen Crane, a non-Christian. This is what he wrote, A man said to the universe: “Sir, I exist!” “However,” replied the universe, “The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation.” Basically what the poem is saying is that the universe or nature is in control and it does not care that man exists or not. It will do what ever it wants to man. It will treat man however harshly it wants to. Therefore, there is no hope for man because he is totally at the mercy of the universe and the universe doesn’t care. ...