

I think about the word for a few minutes, considering how this word "Trust" affects me.

When I think about Trust, I think about all those people, friends or family, who I thought I could trust but have broken my trust, have failed me in some way or the other and, yes, I have done the same for them. People break promises time and time again.

But I look up on my wall and read these words, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5. I have that verse there for a reason. To remind me to trust in God because so often I don't. When life is hard, when people fail me, when school isn't going well, when I can't see my future; I look up on my wall and see that verse and I am reminded that there is one that I can trust wholly in, that is Jesus Christ. He has never failed me, has never left me, has never broken a single promise to me, yet how often I fail to trust him completely.

I get caught up in all my worries, fears, and failures, which are so many; they engulf me and I feel that I will sink under their weight, but I look up and Christ holds out his hand, saying, "Trust Me". He is faithful to keep his promise to me even when I am not faithful to him. He can be trusted when the storms come and when the floods rise; he will keep his promise.

And so I lean on him once more.

*Join me in Linking up with Five Minute Friday.



  1. Hello King's Daughter,
    Such a good, honest post.
    This doing over and over what we know we should do, out of simple faith, is producing in you DEEP strong, thick roots for the King's Kingdom.
    Praying for you.

    1. Hi Leah,
      Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog!
      It always makes my day.
      I am glad you enjoyed my post!
      In Christ,


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