
First to introduce you to one of my new favorite musicians. I recently stumbled upon David Hicken's music the other day and have fallen in love with it. Here is one of my favorites of his, Canon in D and Ode to Joy. If you like this one than go check out more of his music.

I love listening to music like this. I am like one of the worst musicians there are, but I think that gives me all the more love for those who can play music so beautifully. I love listening to beautiful melodious sounds because I know I will never create it myself.

Canon in D is one of my favorite music pieces even though it almost makes me cry every time. I can listen to Canon in D over and over again and never grow tired of it.

I think I am coming to the conclusion that David's are amazing musicians. Ok, so probably not all of them are, but several of my favorite musicians are Davids (David Mclintock, David Hicken, and a friend named David who probably doesn't know that I think his music is so great [or maybe he does know])and of course, there is David from the Bible, as well, and although I have never heard him play, his Psalms are beautiful and have been extremely encouraging to me and I am thinking he probably sang them way better than my class does (I am not sayin' my class is a horrible "choir", but simply sayin' that David was an amazing musician.)

Who are some of your favorite musicians? Are there any musicians you recently have stumbled upon and have become obsessed with?


  1. I love this too! Of course it makes me cry every time I hear it too, because it was one of Micah's favorites. Micah had it on his Caringbridge site, but for some reason it does not work anymore. (

  2. I really like the musician Bach.


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