Being the Older and Younger Woman

Titus 2:3-5
“The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things —  that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.”

I had just studied these verses and was thinking about my roll as an 18 year old woman. My first thought would be that I am a younger woman. I need to be discreet and chaste. I need to be learning from those older than me, how I can be a good wife and homemaker someday. I was reminded at the same time that I am also the older woman. I have four younger sisters. I have several friends who are younger than I. There are bloggers that are younger than I. You might be younger than me. There are so many women younger than myself. So what is my roll as an older woman? It says clearly that I am to teach the younger women. Although I am not married, thus, I cannot very well tell a younger woman how to be a good wife, there is much more that I can do. I can be showing younger women how to submit to their father, by submitting to my own father cheerfully. I can show younger women how to love their siblings by being a good example of that myself. I can demonstrate how to take care of a home by knowing how to cook and clean, and helping my mom with these things. I need to be a godly example for younger women to follow and look at. I cannot just confess with my mouth what I believe, but I need to prove it with my actions.
These verses would apply to all girls and women. Every female has a woman older than herself and a girl younger than herself. Thus, we should be learning from our elders, and teaching and being an example to those younger than ourselves. Our lives should be discreet and chaste. That means living a holy, disciplined, and pure life set apart for Christ.
Let us strive together to live up to these verses by God’s grace. Let us strive to be the woman God has called us to be. Let us be the kind of woman that every godly young man wants for a wife. 


  1. Great reminder, Hannah! Thank you for sharing!


    p.s. I'm so sorry that I haven't commented lately! I tried to the other day, but Blogger ate my comment and I didn't have the time to write it out again :-(


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