Summary of the Gospel of Luke

            The book of Luke, believed to have been written by Luke a gentile, was probably written around A.D. 60
Luke begins his book with an introduction (Luke 1:1-4). He is writing to Theophilus, about Jesus, so that he will believe and know the truth. The life is of Christ is indeed true and we should believe it with our hearts not just our head.
            (Luke 1:5-2:52) He then goes on to tell us the account of Gabriel, the angel, appearing before Zacharias and Mary and bringing the good tidings that each will be given a son. Yet Zacharias does not believe and is therefore struck dumb until his son, John, is born, while Mary does believe and is greatly blessed among women, bearing the Messiah, Savior of the world. When we believe the truth, we are blessed, yet disbelief comes with great consequences. When Jesus gets to the age of about twelve He is then seen in the temple listening and learning from the teachers, thus, setting the example for us to listen and learn from those in authority over us.
            Luke 3:1-4:13 goes on to tell of John's ministry, preaching a baptism of repentance. Jesus goes into the wilderness and is tempted by Satan for forty days, yet He teaches us how we should respond to temptation by resisting and responding with God's Word to prove Satan wrong.
            In Luke 4:14-9:50 Jesus returns to Galilee and begins His ministry of healing the sick and demon possessed, forgiving sins, performing miracles, and teaching his disciples. Many times we are told that the person was healed because of his faith (for examples see Luke 5:20, 7:2-10, 7:50).It takes faith to believe in Christ and to believe what he can do for me.
            Luke 9:51-19:44 Tells of Jesus beginning His journey to Jerusalem. Jesus continues to teach the people, often times in parables ( such as the Parable of the Good Samaritan, who helps a stranger who has been wounded, showing us how to love our neighbor; The Parable of the Rich Fool, who wants more even though he already has so much, showing us the foolishness of covetousness; The Parable of the Lost Son, who goes off to squander all that he has and then realizes his sin and goes back to his father who freely forgives him, thus showing us what true repentance and forgiveness is like.) He also corrects the Pharisees, specifically about healing on the Sabbath, which they did not believe was lawful. He then goes riding into Jerusalem on the colt which had never been sat upon before, and all the people worship Him, even though the Pharisees tried to shut them up. Jesus is indeed the King of kings, and He will be worshiped, even if it is the stones that cry out as it says in verse 40 of chapter 19.
            (Luke 19:45-21:38) Jesus continues to correct the Scribes and Pharisees, when they question Him. Jesus also talks about the end times, warning us to be watchful for the return of Christ, because we do not know when it will be, but we should be prepared.
            (Luke 22:1-24:53) Jesus has his last Passover with His disciples until the Kingdom of God is fulfilled. Then Jesus goes into the Garden of Gethsemane with His disciples, to pray. Jesus is then betrayed by Judas and then mocked, beaten, scourged, and hung on the cross to die. He was buried by Joseph, yet three days later He rises again and appears before His disciples and many others before He ascends into heaven. Christ died a perfect death on the cross for our sins so that we could live, thus fulfilling the law.
            Luke 24:44 (Then he said to them, "These are words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning me.") sums up all that Luke has told us. Luke is telling us that through Christ's perfect life and death and ascension, the Law of Moses was fulfilled concerning Him.
            A main theme in Luke I believe is faith. All through the book it talks about faith; some people did not have faith (such as the Pharisees), and others did have faith (those who were healed). Another theme, that I think ties right in with faith, is forgiveness. Jesus would often forgive someone of their sins when he healed them and, of course, there is the ultimate healing and forgiveness that comes through the blood of Jesus Christ when he died on the cross.


  1. This is an excellent summary and very insightful! Thanks so much for sharing.


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