Stop Supposin' and Start Trustin'

I found this little story in an old devotional book (written in 1925) called “Streams in the Desert”. It blessed me and so I thought I would share it with you so that you also might be blessed by it.

I once met a poor colored woman, who earned a precarious living by hard daily labor; but who was a joyous triumphant Christian. “Ah, Nancy,” said a gloomy Christian lady to her one day, “it is well enough to be happy now; but I should think the thoughts of your future would sober you.
“Only suppose, for instance, you should have a spell of sickness, and be unable to work; or suppose your present employers should move away, and no one else should give you anything to do; or suppose…..”
“Stop!” cried Nancy, “I never supposes. De Lord is my Shepherd, and I knows I shall not want. And, Honey,” She added, to her gloomy friend, “it’s all dem supposes as is makin’ you so mis’able. You’d better give dem all up, and just trust de Lord.”


  1. *chuckle* Thats good. I know how much I do that... thanks so much for sharing, Hannah!



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