The Girl I was and the Girl I am

Me (in the red shirt)having fun playing in the mud with my brother.

What do you think of when you think of girls/females? You might think of the color pink or you might think of fancy dresses and lace. You might think of someone who does all the cooking or cleaning in the house, or you may think of fingernail polish, hair accessories, and jewelry. You might think of someone who doesn’t climb trees, but instead sits inside and sews, knits, crochets, or cross stitches. You might think of someone who has tea parties with her dolls. You might think of someone who talks nonstop. All of these things are known to be fairly girlish things to do. Then again, you do hear of those tom-girls who run wild, get dirty, and play in the mud with the boys. You know? The one who can’t sit still. The one who’s always getting themselves into scrapes. The one who hates to sew or stand in the kitchen and bake.

Well, I would say that I was more like the tom-girl type of girl. I have nine siblings, I am the oldest girl and I have four older brothers. As a little girl I would do everything with my big brothers. That is everything that they would allow me to do. And if there was something that I couldn’t do because I was too young then I would be pretty disturbed. I liked or hated the same things they did. For example, if they hated cats, well, then, I hated cats, too. (Well, I did love cats at one point, but when we finally got one I decided to hate them.) I didn’t play much with dolls until my first sister came along and got old enough to play with them, then I guess she convinced me to play with her. I am told that one older gentleman said I was more wild then all of my brothers. I can hardly believe that was true though because my brothers were pretty wild themselves. Yet, my brothers did enjoy cooking, so, of course, I did, too. I guess that was one of the few womanly things that I really enjoyed doing when I was younger. (and when I say younger I mean the ages 10 and younger.) As much as I loved doing everything with my brothers, there were a few things that I didn’t love or maybe I should say I wasn’t very good at, thus, I couldn’t do it very well when they did it. For example, being overly adventurous at mountains and climbing trees. As boys can be, my brothers were and still are rather crazy it seems when it comes to being on mountains. When my brothers get treacherously close to the edge of a cliff, or better yet decide to climb down (or up as the case may be) that cliff, you will most likely find me sitting at a safe distance away from the edge. I will most likely be eyeing my brothers with a look of concern, as if I were the mother trying not to preach to them too many sermons on the dangers of getting so close. Climbing trees, the other thing that boys are known for doing, was also not in my line. I’m sure I did try tree climbing, but didn’t for two reasons, I am somewhat afraid of heights and I am a horrible tree climber. I just wasn’t born with that special gift.
Several years have gone by and now three of my brothers have gone off to college (the other went home to be with the Lord) and I am now usually the oldest child at home, therefore, it has given me some things to think about, such as realizing almost for the first time that I have four younger sisters looking at me and watching me and following me. It has helped me to see the huge responsibility that I have. I want to be a good example to them of what a godly young woman looks like. I am not saying that I was a bad example when I was younger, (although I didn’t show them very well how a lady should act) nor am I saying that I am a perfect little princess now. I am often told to “calm down” or to “stop talking so loud” and I am known in my family for being rather silly and obnoxious. Yet I honestly do want to be an example to my younger sisters that I would be happy for them to follow.
I’m still not the typical 18 year old girl. I still don’t wear makeup nor do I want to. I don’t have a boyfriend (I have decided to wait and do courtship.). I don’t care to dress in the latest fashion. I have never been one to stress too much over my hair. Yet, I do hate snakes and I despise spiders and granddaddy-long-legs. I also do enjoy cooking, crocheting, and cross stitching which are all girl things to do. Don’t get me wrong though because boys can do them, too. However, no matter how girly or non-girly I am, I do want to do everything for God’s glory.

Me (holding Raggedy Andy) having a tea party with my sister.

Me being crazy wild with my brothers.

And just in case you wondered, all those pictures were from a long time ago, so I don't look like that any more. hehe!

Also, check out Noel Piper's traveling blog.

Have a happy day in Jesus!


  1. Hi Hannah,

    hehe, I love the last picture. :) Yes, my childhood was quite similar (except I did climb trees and luckily there were no mountains near by!) It is interesting when you finally have that awakening that you have sisters watching you with wide eyes (I have two younger sisters), it makes you think about things a little more than before. Perhaps thats one of the reasons God gave us siblings!



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