A day in the Life of Five Sisters

Today is Saturday. It began like most any Saturday. We had a special breakfast of French Toast (usually it is good ol’ flapjacks, but today we had sumpin’ different) and we ran around tryin’ to get our morning chores done as quickly as possible. Then we headed for the great outdoors. It is one of our most favorite places to be. The only problem is, before long it began to rain, so what we gonna’ do about that? Well, we (my four sisters and I) are just going to go out anyway because rain won’t stop us. We decided to take a pleasant walk down our road. Ahhhh! Indeed! It was wonderful! We (well, maybe I should say I, for I refused to take a raincoat or umbrella) got plum soaked, but that wasn’t so bad. It is actually fun to play outside in the rain and get wet. Anybody that has done it, I’m sure knows what I’m talkin’ about. Then for Lunch we decided it was necessary to have a tea party, because…well…we didn’t want to get pneumonia (we weren’t really worried about that, but it was a good excuse), ya know? And drinkin’ a nice cup o’ hot tea is the best remedy, ya know. We also decided to have ourselves some good ol’ grilled cheese samiches. So we sat down for one of our unusual tea parties and had a right good time of it, too. Then for supper we had some good ol’ homemade pizza. That is one of our traditions. Almost every Saturday when we was youngins’ them big brothers of ours would make the pizza, but nows’ theys’ grown and out of the house we have to make it ourselves. So that about sums up a day in the life of us country gals of North Cakilac.

This is after we got back from our little walk in the rain.

Priscilla drinking out of a mug at the tea party

Lydia at the tea party

Me at the tea party

Bethany at the tea party

Elisabeth at the tea party

Good ol' homemade pizza for supper

How was your day? Did you do anything crazy or awesome or unique or silly? Well, I hope you had a great day no matter what. 
God bless you!


  1. I really enjoyed reading about your good ol' Saturday! :) I also love all the pictures! And tea parties are always enjoyable. :)

  2. Your pizza looks quite good! I bet the tea & sandwiches were yum too! We also drink tea for dinner at times...haven't really heard about others who do that. Good to hear you do.
    We're 7 girls in our family, so when I read about ya'll's day, it sounded like our family. :)

  3. Thanks Michaela! I'm glad you enjoyed reading my little story.
    God bless!


  4. Hi Becky,
    Wow! Seven girls in the family! That sounds like fun! You have been very blessed. Isn't it wonderful to have lots of sisters? My sisters and I do a lot together and we have so much fun. I also have four brothers. Brothers are wonderful, too! ;)
    God bless!


  5. That was a cool story, Hannah. I love grilled cheese sandwiches, too, as you know. :) Having a sister (or sisters) makes everything so much more fun!


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