
Just a couple random things. ;)

This lizard was just sitting in my sisters hair just like that and she didn't put it there either. It was the funniest thing.

Here is another picture of the lizard. It was a pretty small one.

 I had made a Tie Skirt several years ago, but no one wanted to wear it, so my mom turned it into a Tie Dress for my youngest sister. It's so cute, isn't it? 

And another picture of the Tie Dress.

Also a blog with encouraging lessons, from my mom, and wonderful activities.

Have a happy day and God bless you!
Live for Jesus!
Love one another!
Laugh a lot!
Smile big! 


  1. That tie skirt/dress is so cute! And I can't believe the lizard story--Michaela would have flipped if it had been in her hair!


  2. Hehehe, Hannah! My Mom wouldn't believe the lizard story either when we first told her. ;)


  3. Love the dress, it looks very cute on her!
    Catching lizards are so much fun!


  4. Thanks Meggie!
    My sisters enjoy catching lizards, too, although I don't do it a whole lot myself.



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