Enjoyable Tasks

This is Winnie the Pooh with Psalm 119:103 to go with it, that I cross stitched on to a bib.

Five young ladies sat down to quilt.
Laughing, chatting, or frowning with guilt.
One young lady messed up and all will see,
But just so you know, it wasn’t me.
(Or was it me.... ☺.)

Homemade pizza that my brother and sister made.

Have a happy day and God bless you!
Live for Jesus!
Love one another!
Laugh a lot!
Smile big!


  1. Those do look like enjoyable tasks, Hannah! Thank you for sharing this post. I really like how the little bib turned out...very cute.


  2. Thanks Amy, I like how the bib turned out, too. I drew the pattern myself, so I wasn't sure how it would be, but I thought it turned out pretty well, especially considering I'm not an artist. ;)
    God bless!



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