The Micah Series (part 4)

Here is a song that Micah wrote.

Deep Inside

You already know what you've meant to me
You know more then I of my thoughts of you
But let me try now to express my love
To pour out my heart with the limit of words

The comfort you've given is beyond my song
And tell of your mercy its worthless to try
To express how you've loved me I'd run out of time
If there's words that can tell you they're above my mind

So I'll love You from deep inside
The most precious of thoughts in my heart will hide
So whenever you look at my heart
You'll see a fullness of love that won't depart

What can I say of the peace that crushed doubt
And the grace I've received is past finding out
Since when You called me to enter your rest
My heart has to speak cause my mouth can't express

You're a mystery to me that I cannot solve
An unsearchable tower that will never fall
The highest below and the lowest above
Will never attain the knowledge of your love

By Micah Leake, age 15 (Dec.22, 1989-Dec.17, 2005)


  1. Hi Hannah,

    Those are beautiful words your brother wrote.

    I can't imagine what it must be like to lose someone so close to you. My heart goes out to you and your family.

    Thank you for sharing memories of your brother with us.

    Many blessings to you,
    ~ Kira

  2. Hi Kira,
    Thank you! Yes, they are beautiful words. This is actually the only song that he wrote that he recorded playing on his guitar. I thought about putting it on here for others to hear, but I couldn't figure out a way to do that.
    God bless you!


  3. Dear Hannah,
    Thank you for sharing this series of posts about your brother Micah. As Kira said, I can't begin to imagine how very hard it must be to lose someone so close to you! These words that your brother wrote are beautiful and a blessing to read!

  4. Hi Amy,
    I am glad that the words were a blessing to you.
    I enjoy telling people about Micah even though it is hard sometimes to talk about him.
    God bless you!


  5. And, yes, Amy and Kira, it was very hard for us all to lose someone we loved so much, but my whole family can testify that God did and does give us grace to get through each day. God's grace is enough.


  6. Hi Hannah,
    I've been meaning to come by your blog and comment for quite a while now...somehow time has escaped me though...But now I'm here =) I just wanted to let you know what an encouragement your comment on here was to me. I am so thankful to see the testimony that you and your family have that God's grace is enough. I know it must be very hard but that is so wonderful that you are able to say that. Your comment was such an encouragement, and I wanted to let you know that, even though it has taken me a long time to do so!
    PS - If you don't mind me asking, how old are you, Hannah?

  7. Hi Amy,
    I am glad my comment was encouraging to you.
    I am 17 years old.
    God bless!


  8. This is a beautiful song, with such powerful lyrics. I wish I could hear the recording of him playing it. Did you ever figure out how to post it?

    1. Meagan, I love this song, too. I have not really tried to put the recording on since posting this, but maybe I will try again soon. I am glad you were blessed by the lyrics.



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