The Micah Series (Part 2)

God’s Grace in or Lives

Today, December 17, 2010, is five years since Micah has gone home to be with the Lord. I would like to share with you some things that my family and I have learned through and after his sickness.
Through the four years that Micah was sick my whole family learned a lot about just trusting the Lord. We had to learn to trust Him for everything. My dad had lost his job in the second year of Micah’s sickness, so we had to trust God for provision. God never forgot us though. We always had enough. Our church was always there for us ready to help in any way they could. The gifts that we received from our church and other people were abundant. The meals that were brought over were numerous and there was always someone to help or baby-sit if we needed it. God used this time in our life to strength and build up our faith and walk with Him. We had to trust God about Micah. We had to trust Him that He knew exactly how long Micah should live and that He knows what is best for us.
What did I learn? For one thing I learned to trust God more. During and after Micah’s sickness God taught (and still is teaching) me that He knows what is best for me. All that God does is for my good even if I don’t know why. I learned that God will give me the grace to go through whatever He calls me to go through no matter how hard it is.

Job 1:21
…"The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away;
Blessed be the name of the Lord."


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