The Lonesome, the Loner, and the Lone Person

The lonesome person, the loner, and the lone person; they sound a bit alike, but they're all a little different.

The lonesome person. I see them on the street walking past or sitting quietly watching passer-bys. They may not even be sitting alone, but they're still a lonesome person. I see it in the eyes. They're sad. They live in a different world. Maybe a world they used to know, or a world they've always wished for and never had, but they're lonesome and can't get out of it. They live by themselves even though they may be surrounded by people. Maybe they plug their ears with music to block out the noise in their own confused head. But their lonesome and they don't want to tell you. They do and they don't chose this life. Its not that they like being lonesome, but they just are. Maybe they've lived to long in bitterness and hate. Or maybe it was a life of pain and hurt, so they run from it all and hide within. Maybe their lost and can't find a way out, can't find the light, can't see the hope. Its saddest being lonesome.

The loner. This is a person that's chosen the way of a quiet life. They enjoy the quiet and peace. They don't care so much for the loud clatter of busy humans bustling around them. They go about their own business, and keep to themselves. They know how to be friendly and its not that they're lonesome, but they simply enjoy the time alone. Maybe you call them an introvert. But they choose this quiet life and they enjoy it too.

The lone person. This person is kind of a mix between the first and the second. They're not exactly lonely, but they don't exactly want to be always alone either. But its most likely just a season of life. They just happen to be more often alone then not alone. They probably think how lovely it would be to hangout with this friend or that friend, but the introvert inside them doesn't always put in the effort to actually make it happen. Maybe you can't even tell they're an introvert. Maybe you don't even know they do so much of life alone, but they do. They're not exactly sad like the lonesome person. They pick up a good book and can read it for hours. They don't block out the world around them either, but they also have another world of their own.


  1. Good thoughts. Thanks for sharing. I think I have been all three at different times in my life. We need each other. We need community. We need people who love and know us in a deeper transparent way who can recognize when we need help. But we have to want that too.

    9 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! 11 Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? 12 And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.


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