I Can't Do Anything, Yet Christ is My Everything

Sometimes life reminds me

I have no control,

No control over anything,

Over these frail circumstances,
Life's confusion,

These momentary afflictions,

These heart wrenching,

Heart stabbing pains.

I want to do something,

I want to change it,

To fix it,

To make it all better,

But I can’t.

These are the moments when

I realize just how small,

How weak,
How broken,

How insignificant I am.

I can’t do anything,

Yet Christ is my everything.

So on my knees I cry to him,

The healer of souls,

The forgiver of sins,

The giver of grace,

Of love unmeasured.

He makes us whole.

Christ is my all

And he has control,

So I petition him

On bended knees,

With an aching heart.

And he hears my cries

And he knows our needs.

He is sovereign,

This promise I hold dear.


  1. This is SO good Hannah. Thanks for sharing. <3

  2. Beautifully expressed. Thanks!

  3. Thank you for the encouragement. It's good to know we are totally out of control, so that God is totally in control.

  4. The deepness of truth voiced in your beautiful poetry. Please keep writing...


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