Capturing Beauty with Just the Eyes

She seeks to write

What cannot be described

In words alone,

But a picture fails to do it justice too.
She leaves her camera behind
And writes these words in poem form.


Looking down upon the railroad tracks.

No train passes by,

But she pauses in her day to meditate.

What makes her stop in think so hard?

It’s only the tracks of a train,

But somehow it stirs her heart to ponder,

To travel to a distant land.

She stares into the distance, but sees no farther.

Life is somehow like that train track.


Or how does she describe that lone red tree

Surrounded by white Burch and greenery.

Something in the sight of it causes her to pause,

To stare. That loneliness is her sometimes.

She feels different, too,

And a little out of place,

She stands out from all the rest,

But beautiful nonetheless.

It’s a sight worth capturing, but not with a camera.

It would only blur one’s vision and distort the true image,



Or what about the Northern lights

On a wild wedding night not her own.

Something there to capture her heart

and cause her to stare in awe and wonder

At the handy work of her king.

A dream come true, a sight to behold.

She sees his love in every wave and streak

Of light against the dark night sky
And it gives her fresh hope
For bigger dreams, too.


Then there is the falling star,

But not a falling dream.

Rather another dream fulfilled,

Love displayed through a dream

He cared about and gave to her at last.

The wait was worth it, the joy in her eyes

The smile on her lips, the dance in her steps,

An experience not to be redone.

Not to be captured on film,

But captured in the heart,

Captured for memories sake

And not for art.

Not even words can do it justice,

But she tries.


  1. I really like the poem. I'm so glad you got so many dreams come true! ;)

  2. I am so thankful for the little ways, that are really big, that God poured out His great love on you. I am glad for the blessing of your dreams fulfilled and the promises of God that are faithful and true.

  3. Beautiful poem! The descriptions and emotions are very powerful.


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