Finals Persist, but Miracles Exist

A restless mind and a worried heart,
Time is an enemy, life is pain.
Worries, and fears – it’s useless but still
I persist.

Two weeks to crumble, two weeks to break.
Will I make it or break it, the question still stands.
With fiery eyes and stubborn chin, besides all that
Life persists.

So tenaciously I cling. Cling to Life, to living Water,
Daily Grace, Christ my Savior.
Finals upon us, fears of failure, but
 Grace persists.

Curl up in bed, pretend to sleep off the dread.
Nothin’ can stop what lies ahead.
Frantically finishing last assignments because
They persist.

To laugh or to cry, not sure of which to do.
Laugh because I can’t, or cry because I can’t,
Or DO what I must because I must because
Finals persist.

I can’t or I can is not the question.
I fail or I pass, but God’s grace still lasts
Miracles still happen when finals week comes.
Miracles exist.


  1. By God's grace you can persevere! Keep on going! Press in and finish hard by the grace of God! I love you and am praying for you!


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