God's Continued Grace in a New Place

Hello friends,
I know it has been a super long time since I last wrote, but after a bit of encouragement from family and friends to write again I have decided to take this lovely night to write what's on my mind.
Much has happened since I last posted. At the time of the last post I was living in North Carolina with my family. At that time I was pondering the fact that soon I would be leaving my comfortable home in NC to what seemed to be the foreign land of Minnesota. I contemplated how I would be leaving everything that I loved so much; my family, friends, job, co-workers (who weren't just co-workers, but real friends), customers, the land and forest that surrounded me, and so much more. I cried many tears about leaving, and yet I knew it was God's will for me to. I didn't know how I could do it and the truth is I couldn't; not on my own. I know I have already devoted whole posts to the testifying of God's grace, but once again I must say it is all by God's grace that I got here to Minnesota and am now attending a very academically challenging college. As I meditate on all that I have gone through before getting here and then after getting here, I realize every step of the way God has been pouring out His grace on His fallen little daughter, who He redeemed through the precious blood of His Son. Every day God shows His love for me in such glorious ways. I am reminded each time I make it through another day of study and classes and hard work; His love shines through the darkest moments in life when all that stands before me is tears; his love fills the most lonely moments; His love is seen in the beauty of creation; God's love is in the laughter and giggles with friends, or in the joys of being able to play a flute for a short time even though mine is far away in NC. God loves me and He shows His immeasurable love for me in such beautiful big and marvelous ways. His love never fails and He always gives me the grace and strength for each day. Life is not easy, but God's grace and love is strong and because of that I know that I can keep on going, rejoicing in God's goodness. 
I love you all!

                                                             Resting in God's grace,
                                                                                  Hannah Grace


  1. Glad you are doing well! I miss you!

    1. I miss you, too, Maggie! I hope you are doing well! Love ya!

  2. I am thankful that you are partaking of the Lord's marvelous grace in the new place He has you in! Keep looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith! I love you and miss you.


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