To Be Like Jesus

God only gave me a certain amount of days to live on this earth, so I want to live every minute of my time here for His glory, because that is what makes life really worth it. I want to enjoy all of His creation while I can, because He made it for us to enjoy. I want to love unconditionally the people that He has put in my life, because He loved me while I was still dead in my sin. I want to be a light to everyone I meet, because Christ lives in me and He is the Light of the world. I want to make the most of my day, by making a difference in the lives of others. 
To make one person smile is worth every second of my time. To make someone laugh is worth more to me than gold. To show someone they are loved just the way they are makes my heart glad. To show kindness to those who hate me is beautiful. To be a friend to the friendless is a friend indeed.


  1. Hannah, you certainly exemplify Godly character. And I know that others see Christ in you! I am thankful for your friendship. It encourages me so much!

    1. I totally agree with Michaela! I am sooo blessed to have you as my friend Hannah!

  2. Psalm 144:15 Happy is that people, that is in such a case:
    Yea, happy is that people, whose God is the Lord.

    I am so blessed by your cheerfulness and joy in the Lord! Keep shining for Jesus and being a light in this dark world.

  3. I still love this post and I need it today as much as I needed it three years ago!


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