100 Days of Thanksgiving (Day 94)

Thankful for my Hands!
Thankful that I can use my hands to work hard for Jesus!

Washing dishes at work so someone else won't have to!
Crocheting a blanket for someone special!
Writing a letter to a friend!
Rubbing mama's shoulders just because I love her!
Cleaning tables for customers!
Refilling someone's cup!

I do all these things with my hands that God gave me!
I love to serve God with my hands!
When I serve others with a cheerful heart, 
then I am ultimately serving God with my whole heart!


  1. I am so thankful for your servants heart! God sure did give you a heart to serve with your hands and I get to benefit from them, not just when rub my shoulders. I love you so much. You are such a blessing!


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