Little Thoughts

Hello Friends,
I know it has been a while since I’ve written. I keep on thinking I need to post, but I just don’t know what to write about so I don’t.
I was thinking just now about what I should write. Some people write about things that are happening in there life and what they have been doing lately. But do people really want to hear about my not-so-boring life? Then some people have these really deep posts full of profound thoughts. But what kind of deep thought would I write about? You would probably be more confused then ever before. There are some people who like to post what they’ve been cooking recently and found to be especially delicious. But I don’t have any special recipe to share with you at the moment. Then there are the people who just absolutely love posting pictures (ahemmmm! My sister, Prissy, I think might be one of those people.). But I am definitely not that kind of person. (I just don’t have the patiences to let them load.) Therefore, what will I write about? Well, I have decided I will share with you really quick something I have been learning in my Bible reading lately.

So in early April I decided I was going to do the Bible-in-a-year plan. I have read through the whole Bible before, but I have never done it in one year, therefore, I thought I would do it. By the way, I would highly recommend that you do it too.
As I read through the Old Testament, these are some things that I see; a very merciful God, a very patient God, a God of justice, a God who hates disobedience, and a God of mercy (and yes, I know I said that one twice, but I meant to). I have now gotten to the book of Judges and something that strikes me is how quickly the Israelites went to following after other gods. As soon as Joshua died they started worshipping other gods and every once in awhile there would be a good guy here and there, but mostly they just kept getting worse. Then God would allow the enemy to prevail over them and they would cry out to God in repentance and God would mercifully deliver them even though He knew they would stop worshipping Him as soon as they were saved from their enemies. I sometimes think, “Wow! Those Israelites were so stupid! God shows himself to be so good and merciful to them and they just keep on falling away and worshipping idols that can’t do anything.” But then I have to remind myself that really I am just the same way. God has been so merciful and good to me. He has shown Himself to be so powerful in my life, yet how many times have I turned to my own way? How many times do I worship my own little idols and forget that God is the one who can save and He alone?

So that is in short what I have been learning in my Bible reading. What about you? Where have you been reading in your Bible lately? Are you reading through the Bible in a year? Do you have some special plan? Do you have a Bible study that you are doing? If so what is it? What have you been learning lately in your Bible reading? I would love to hear.

P.S. Here is a link to an awesome blog that you should read and follow:

Random fact about me: I love runnin' in the rain! It feels so good!


  1. Hannah, I enjoyed reading your post. I definitely know what you mean about not knowing what to write, but I think God places on your heart what others need to hear at just the right time. God has been very merciful to me whenever I was having a hard time being obedient recently. I am so glad that He is the God of second chances.
    P.S. thanks for the blog shout out ;)

    1. Thanks, Michaela! Glad you were blessed by my post!
      Yes, God always gives us something to post when He wants us to post and some days He may just not want us to post anything.
      Your welcome for the shout out! I hope it will send many people your way!

  2. That was a very encouraging post Hannah!

    1. Thanks Maggie,
      I am glad you were encouraged by it. :)


  3. Thanks for your post, Hannah. It's so neat to hear what God is saying particularly to our brothers and sisters in Christ. I'm reading Leviticus and Psalms at the moment. The Psalms contain so many reminders of who God is and what He is like while also conveying real emotions that I find myself dealing with often. Reading Leviticus has been so eye-opening; understanding the sacrificial system and the role of the priests better has helped me better comprehend the enormity of Christ's sacrifice.

    1. Your Welcome, Hannahbelle! Yes, I love to hear how God is working in the lives of my brothers and sisters in Christ! It is so encouraging! Thank you for sharing what God has been teaching you through His Word! I love the book of Psalms!

  4. Good message Hannah. It is a very good thing to see ourselves in the examples God has given us in Scripture. May He give us a heart to quickly repent when we forget Him and try to go our own way, as we are so prone to do. Praise Him for His wonderful and amazing and faithful grace.


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