Summary of Ephesians

 The author of Ephesians is undoubtedly Paul. He most likely wrote this letter in the early 60s.

In his letter to the Ephesians Paul seems to be trying to get across to them the greatness of God’s grace and love towards them. He reminds them of what God has brought them out of and how it was only because of God’s grace. He also reminds them of God’s great love for them, that he would adopt them into His own family and make each one His own child.
A. What is the author telling me in Ephesians 1:1-23?
Paul begins his letter stating who he is and greeting his audience. Paul then goes on to tell how and why we have been redeemed. We have been chosen by Christ before the foundation of this world, to be adopted in to his family. It is through His blood that we have been redeemed. We have been redeemed, so that He would be glorified. We, who have trusted in Him, have been given an inheritance by Him. Therefore, Paul gives thanks for them and for their faith in Jesus. Paul also prays for them, that God would give them wisdom and knowledge in Him. Christ is far above all things and He is the head of the church.
B. How should I respond to Ephesians 1:1-23?
            I have been adopted into Christ’s family, so He would be glorified. I have been redeemed by His blood and saved by His grace. I have an inheritance waiting for me. I should desire to grow in my knowledge and wisdom of Jesus Christ. There is no reason to fear man or anything, because Christ is above all and so he has it all in control.

A. Ephesians 2:1-3:21
            Paul reminds us that we had been dead in our trespasses. We walked according to this world, desiring the things of the flesh. Yet, we have been saved by His grace. He makes it clear that it was a gift from God and no works of righteousness on our part. He speaks of the Gentiles once being aliens, strangers, and hopeless, but through Jesus Christ they have the hope that is through His blood. The Gentiles were once in enmity with Christ, but He himself is their peace and has broken down the wall that separated them from the Jews. Therefore, we are now citizens of the household of God and no longer strangers or aliens to Him. Paul is desirous that others hear of the mystery of Christ, as well, thus, he preaches Christ among the Gentiles. Paul prays that we would be strengthened in the spirit and know the love of Christ that passes all understanding.
            I was once an alien, stranger, and enemy of Christ. I had no hope at all. Yet, because of Christ’s death on the cross, and the grace which he has given to me, I now have hope. I am no longer an alien to Him, but a part of His family. I am a citizen of His Household. Thus, I am now an alien and enemy to this world, but have become a friend and a part of the family of God. Because the mystery of Christ has been revealed to me, I should be desirous that others hear the good news, too, and want to go tell them.  God’s love for me is past my understanding. The width and depth and length of Christ’s love is far greater then I could ever imagine, yet I should desire to understand it better each day.

A. Ephesians 4:1-6:20
            We are exhorted by Paul to live in unity with one another, bearing one another’s burdens. God has given each one of us grace for the gift that we have been given, whether it be teaching, prophecy, evangelism, etc., so that we can edify and build one another up. We are a new man, thus we need to put off the old man, uncleanness, lewdness, and greed. We are called to forgive each other just as Christ has also forgiven us. We are to walk in love with each other just as Christ has loved us. Paul reminds us that we are no longer living in darkness, but in light, therefore, we need to be a light to all who we are around.  We should not waste our time, but use it wisely; we should encourage each other with songs and hymns; and we should give thanks always. Paul goes on to say that wives are to submit to their husbands, and likewise, husbands are to love their wives. For in so doing, they reveal a picture of Christ and His bride, which is the church. Children are to obey their parents; fathers are to train them up in the Lord; and bondservants are to serve their master as unto the Lord. We are to put on the whole armor of God so that we can fight against the enemies of God.      
            Christ sets an example to me to forgive and love others. God will give me grace to carry out the special spiritual gift that He has given me, so that I can be an encouragement to other believers. God ordained that the husband be head over the wife, signifying Christ’s headship over the church. Nevertheless, Husbands are to love their wife just as Christ loves the church. Likewise, wives are called to submit to their husbands, just as the church is to submit to Christ. If I am not armed with the whole armor of God, which is righteousness, truth, preparation of the gospel of peace, faith, the Spirit, word of God, and salvation, then I can not stand against the wiles of the Devil. I am called to honor my parents and to serve joyfully, as unto the Lord, all who God place in authority over me.

A. Ephesians 6:21-24
            Paul brings his letter to a close, saying that he sends Tychicus to them, so that they may know his affairs and be comforted. He closes with His typical benediction of peace and Grace to all who love Christ.
            Paul shows his love for others in the way that he sends someone to them, so that they would be comforted in their hearts. He also desires that peace and grace be with them.

“But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved).” Ephesians 2:4-5. These verses pretty much speak for themselves. God loved us so much that He would save us, even when we were still dead in our trespasses. It was God’s grace and love for us that has saved us.


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