A Crocheted Blanket!

Although I never thought I would ever crochet a blanket, because I thought it would take too long and become boring, I did end up doing one in less then a month. I made it for a little friend of mine, which I think is the reason why it was actually enjoyable to make. I find that I enjoy making something a lot more when I have someone to give it to, than when I am just making it for myself. So here are some pictures of my first crocheted blanket.

 Working on it.

Still working

 I thought this picture looked kind of old-fashioned because it was taken with a digital camera looking through an old film camera.

 Me and the finished blanket.

 The finished blanket.

Do you like to crochet? If so what are your favorite things to make? What are some things that you have made?

Have a happy day in Jesus! 


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