North Carolina, the Best State

(Note: before you read this and think that I am very prejudice, this was a school project and also North Carolina is the only state I have ever lived in.)

North Carolina is the best state in the Union. Why in the world would I make such a radical statement as that? I’ll just delve right in and tell you my many reasons for believing this. Foremost is the beauty of NC. North Carolina is known for its clear blue skies. It also has impressive mountains and gorgeous waterfalls. NC’s outer banks have some of the most beautiful beaches in the U.S. The country side is one of rare and tranquil splendor with its beautiful rolling hills. Every season is vivid with color and life. Spring is full of new life as the flowers pop up, trees begin to bud, birds come out to sing, and squirrels chatter with excitement. Summer shines with brightness and cheer. Fall is flamboyant with color and winter, bare and cold, yet elegant when it snows. The temperatures here are just right. The summers are not too hot like in Florida, Texas, or Arizona. Nor are the winters too cold as in North Dakota, Maine, Wyoming, and Alaska. Moreover, it is the largest producer of sweet potatoes in the nation. In my family sweet potatoes are pretty important considering that almost every year for both Christmas and Thanksgiving we like to make Sweet Potato Casserole, a delightful and tasty dish. What’s more is Krispy-Crème Doughnuts was founded right in Winston-Salem. What can beat a Krispy-Crème Doughnut? Not much, although, maybe Duncan Doughnuts can. In addition, Pepsi was invented and first served in New Bern; Cheerwine was invented in Salisbury; Cookout, which has some of the best smoothies ever, began in Greensboro; Texas Pete, the best of hot sauces, was invented in NC; and my state leads the nation in furniture. Moreover, NC is home to many well known people. Andrew Jackson, our seventh president, was born in western NC. Mecklenburg County is the hometown of James Polk another president of the U.S.A. Richard Petty, of NASCAR fame, was born in Level Cross. In fact, NASCAR has not had a driver win as many races as does Richard Petty. (Also, my mom got his autograph.) Andy Griffith, from the well-known and much-loved “Andy Griffith Shows” was born in Mt. Airy. Roanoke is home to the first English child, Virginia Dare, born in America. A personal favorite, the thick southern accent of true North Carolinians is invigorating. Last of all, I live in NC, and I’m tellin’ ya that makes North Carolina awesome, indeed. (Just kidding). In Short, North Carolina is, in fact, a marvelous state.

Have a happy day!
Live for Jesus!
Love one another!
Laugh a lot!

Smile often!


  1. I completely agree! :) especially after living in South Carolina for two months, North Carolina is definitely the best!


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