
I have been reading through a book called Passionate Housewives Desperate for God by Jennie Chancey and Stacy McDonald. No, I’m not a wife right now, but some day I might be, so it will help me be better equipped. It is also helpful for right now. Here is a small portion that I thought was really good.

“You see, homemaking isn’t about the house itself or the things it contains. Being keepers at home is about focusing upon the Lord in all the everydayness so that our houses become centers of hospitality, forgiveness, training, business, welfare, charity, shared mourning and celebration, and- oh, yes- lots of tracked in mud, crumbs under the chairs, and everything else that goes with human beings. We must not lose sight of the fact that our homes are God-given tools to bless others. They aren’t the end goal; they are, simply, one of the means to the end. And what is the end? Dying to self, laying down our lives, serving others that Christ may grow His kingdom and transform the world and ourselves as we do things His way…” (page 94)
“..Here is where we must recover Biblical sanity. At its heart, homemaking is about accepting God’s word and laying down our lives for the brethren. It is about keeping our eyes firmly fixed upon Christ, Who calls us to serve Him in the seemingly insignificant tasks of everyday living, training the next generation, reaching out to the needy, demonstrating hospitality to saints and strangers, and living for Christ’s ‘well done’ rather then the praise and recognition of others.”
“And that’s the secret to a happy and blessed life. Die to live. Go last to be first. Give to receive. Make yourself least to be greatest. Homemakers? God created women to fulfill this unique role. That’s all we need to know to rest in our callings. We can trust Him to conquer the world, one heart at a time, as we live sacrificially and rejoice in his narrow way.” (page 98)

I hope you have been blessed or encouraged by this small portion of the book. If you haven’t read the book yet, then you should because so far it has been great. Also my Mom read the book and I think she thought it was good, too, and if she thought it was good, then it must be. Right? :)


  1. That sounds like a good book, Hannah. Thats really nice how they have brought it down to the core of what homemaking is. It puts a new light on it. I will have to look out for it.


  2. That is a great quote and really gets to the meat of the book and as Meggie says it gets right to the core of what homemaking is. I want to be a passionate housewife who is desperate for God. I thank God for His good gifts and His wonderful plans for our lives. I love you,


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