Dog is quite good,” a priest who survived this camp assured me. “But I can not honestly recommend rat.”(The pastors Wife)

Lets talk sense. Every man has his price, every woman too.… You’re an honest woman. You can raise your price. Judas was a fool to sell his boss for thirty pieces of silver. He could have held out for 300. Tell us what you want? Freedom for you and your husband? A good parish for him? We’d look after your family. You could be very valuable to us. Well?” when he had finished talking there was a silence in the room. At last I broke it. “Thanks, but I’ve sold myself already. The Son of God was tortured and gave his life for me. Through him I can reach heaven. Can you offer a higher price than that?” The bald man suddenly looked very tired….(The pastors Wife)

‘The Pastors Wife’ a book by Sabina Wurmbrand. (wife of Richard Wurmbrand, the founder of Voice of the Martyrs) She is a Jew. She is a Christian. She is a pastor’s wife. She lives in Rumania. And they are communists. This is a breathtaking account of Sabina Wurmbrand’s life as she endures concentration camp, persecution, poverty, and more, yet she never lets go of her faith in God. It is a story of true love. She was apart from her husband for 15 years, not knowing whether he was dead or alive, yet never getting a divorce or remarrying, although there was much pressure to do so and benefits offered.
If you haven’t already read this book then I would encourage you to do so. Actually I haven’t read it myself, but my mom read it aloud to my sisters and I and it was a wonderful book. I would highly recommend it. It is a book you can definitely call cool.

God bless you!


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